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About Us

We are a Yoga Studio

Yoga has been a part of my life for over 10 years, and my practice has helped me grow stronger, more flexible and fearless, both on and off the mat. Yoga inspires me to live each moment more mindfully.I completed my 5 year academic in yoga and Naturopathy. I have 5 year experience in school, as a yoga therapist, as a personal yoga instructor at home and 1 and half year experience in ayush department chandigarh.

In my classes, I love to combine creative sequencing, a spirit of playfulness and a dose of inspiration to help you deepen your practice. I seek to help others thrive in live by nurturing body, mind and soul with yoga, and my hope is that you step off the mat feeling refreshed, nourished and balanced.

Professionalism in Yoga

We will help you

Where yoga is all about control of one’s physical and mental activities but somewhere we can pour it as a way to perfect discipline. Hugging yoga as a profession is fun and challenging at the same time. A yogi or yogini should be mentally and physically prepared to face the challenge while doing that they should maintain professionalism in yoga too.
A good yoga teacher should show authenticity in their personality, they should have a kind of consistency in their energy and should possess an inspiring attitude. To have your career longevity in this field it is important to have cleanliness in your work.

Flex of your body
Get rid of stress
Boost your willpower
Energy the whole body
Enjoy your life

Make your life better with us!

about us

Yoga With Chandra Studio is the perfect place to come and enjoy a good yoga holiday. Located, in India’s most beautiful and non-touristy beach, Agonda is the perfect beach to unwind, sunbathe, swim and meditate, and with its west facing shores you can also experience some of the most extraordinarily beautiful tropical sunsets the sub-continent has to offer!

During a yoga teacher training you will learn just how important patience is. Whether it is the patience required to learn to meditate or the patience with which you have to practice a challenging posture everyday until you achieve it – after all, you won’t be able to do a full split or a handstand on day one. The same patience has to shine through when you start teaching yoga as a career. If a student finds an asana challenging, patiently providing guidance and modifications is important. Respecting where each student is in their journey and patient with them is key.